Xbench Connector for Memsource


The ApSIC Xbench Connector for Memsource allows you to quickly run Quality Assurance (QA) tasks in ApSIC Xbench on your projects in the Memsource translation platform on the cloud. For projects with several workflow steps, it also allows you to obtain a comparison report listing changes to segments a la tracked changes, which is useful to audit or to document modifications done to translations by reviewers. To run all features the connector you need: »

Installing and Uninstalling

The ApSIC Xbench Connector for Memsource is now bundled in ApSIC Xbench 3.0 build 1362 or later. It is also strongly recommended that Memsource Editor (download from http://www.memsource.com) is installed on the machine to instantly fix issues found in ApSIC Xbench. You can download ApSIC Xbench 3.0 from the Download page at http://www.xbench.net. »

Using the Connector

When it is first launched, the connector will ask you for your Memsource credentials. The connector uses the Memsource API, that is available to all user roles (Admin, PM, and Linguist) of all Memsource paid editions. Once you are connected to Memsource your projects will appear in a tree, arranged by Project Status (NEW, ASSIGNED, COMPLETED). By default, the connector shows the latest 100 projects to which your Memsource user has access. »

Reporting Bugs and Suggestions

Your feedback on any errors in the program is most welcome. We are also open to suggestions as to how we can improve areas that you find confusing. Please send your bug report or suggestion to http://www.xbench.net/index.php/support/submit-bug. Any information you send to us will be kept confidential and it will be used solely to resolve the issue. »