Xbench Plugin for Trados Studio


The ApSIC Xbench Plugin for SDL Trados Studio 2014 allows you to: From SDL Trados Studio 2014, create an Xbench project automatically gathering information from your current SDL Trados Studio 2014 project, and then automatically launch ApSIC Xbench so that you can run QA on the files of the project. From ApSIC Xbench, use the Edit Segment command from the Search tab or the QA tab to open a sdlxliff file in SDL Trados Studio right at the segment that is currently selected in Xbench and in the SDL Trados Studio project context (connected translation memory and termbase). »

Installing and Uninstalling

Before you install the ApSIC Xbench Plugin for SDL Trados Studio 2014, you need to make sure that you have the following software installed on your machine: SDL Trados Studio 2014 SP1. The Help->About SDL Trados Studio box should show version 11.1.3931 or later. ApSIC Xbench 3.0 build 1186 or later. If you do not have these versions, please download and install them before installing the plugin. »

Using The Plugin

When you launch SDL Trados Studio with the ApSIC Xbench Plugin installed, the first thing you will probably notice is that the ribbon for the Projects view has a new guest. The ApSIC Xbench Plugin installs an icon in these three ribbons: The Home ribbon of the Projects view The Home ribbon of the Files view The Review ribbon of Editor view Any of these icons performs the same action: Run QA in Current Project. »

Reporting Bugs and Suggestions

Your feedback on any errors in the program is most welcome. We are also open to suggestions as to how we can improve areas that you find confusing. Please send your bug report or suggestion to http://www.xbench.net/index.php/support/submit-bug Any information you send to us will be kept confidential and it will be used solely to resolve the issue. »