Using ApSIC Xbench 3.0

Searching the Internet

ApSIC Xbench features an Internet tab that provides an integration path with some information and terminology sources available in the Internet. The following illustration shows a search in Google done within ApSIC Xbench. ApSIC Xbench has a few predefined shortcuts, but the user can change or define new links as required. Defined shortcuts are accessible using one of the following methods: Move to the Internet tab, select the desired source in the Website field, type the search string in the Text to search field and press Enter. »

Reporting Bugs and Suggestions

Your feedback on any errors in the program is most welcome. We are also open to suggestions as to how we can improve areas that you find confusing. Please send your bug report or suggestion to Any information you send to us will be kept confidential and it will be used solely to resolve the issue. »